I've been busy with events at college lately. First there was the National Conference on Ferroics on 30 June and 1 July, for which I did the front and back cover of the proceedings and the banner for the event (apart from the organising). Then there was a VLSI Workshop few days ago for which I made a banner. OK, so you were expecting to see all that stuff put up here right? You see the problem is that they were made under a million constraints, and hence they look nothing like my style at all. They're not great either, so not worth putting up here.
Yesterday I attended the Film Festival on Environment and Development at Indira Priyadarshini Auditorium, Public Gardens. Two short films (documentaries) made by a friend of mine were screened there - National Parks and Extinguishing Flame. Oh and there was this guy who would give his 'comments' after each documentary - he was so damn funny! Unintentionally funny, that is. I enjoyed him more than the documentaries (sorry Aditya!).
Few days ago, I was generally browsing through videos on YouTube and I came across these. They're pretty good -
[ A Perfect Circle - The Noose ] - One of my favourite APC songs. Never expected that a live version would sound this good!
[ Canon - funtwo and Jerry C. ] - This guy has fantastic guitar playing skills! And I can't even play the first line of Happy Birthday to You (reading this Anil?).
[ Coca Cola Human ] - A cool Coca Cola advertisement.
[ Real Life Simpsons Intro ] - The title says it all.
[ Airtel - Express Yourself ] - The Airtel ad with music composed by A. R. Rehman.
[ Airtel - Express Yourself (New) ] - The new Airtel ad. Love the way this is filmed!
[ Mortal Kombat Theme - Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox ] - This you'll find either silly or funny. Or both.